From October 24th to October 26th, in Skopje, the second of the series of Trainings of Trainers for representatives of the Balkan Rural Development Network’s member organizations, was organized. This second training which was focused on “Planning and reporting for CSOs” gathered 21 participants from 7 countries: Republic of Macedonia, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Albania, Montenegro and Kosovo. The following themes were encompassed with the training:
– Long-term planning, programme planning and project planning;
– Strategic planning, elements of strategic plan document and steps in preparation of strategic plan;
– Project planning and its connection to strategic planning;
– Logical framework and developing the project approach;
– Monitoring and reporting;
– Designing and delivery of a training session.
With this activity the partners of the project “Networking and Advocacy for Green Economy – NAGE” will ensure that as members of BRDN they have strong generic management knowhow and skills, which may be transferred to grassroots level, but also multiplied in all activities and future actions that are going to be implemented by BRDN. Following this training, the trainers will further organize trainings at national level for grassroots organizations, in order to develop their capacities and to make sure that the management capacities are not a constraint that would eliminate good citizen initiatives and hinder the implementation of successful green entrepreneurship projects as part of the sub-granting program.