We’re thrilled to share our latest Policy Brief on Rural Youth in North Macedonia, born from extensive desk research and insightful discussions within the working group on rural youth organized during  the 2nd National Rural Parliament! The document was prepared by the PhD Emelj Tuna, with financial support of the USAID Community Development Program.

This comprehensive brief highlights the unique challenges and opportunities faced by rural youth, offering actionable recommendations to empower and uplift the next generation in our rural communities. 

Dive into the details and discover how we can work together to create a brighter future for our rural youth! Your voice and involvement are crucial for driving meaningful change.
Read the full policy brief here: https://ruralnet.mk/File_Storage/daf1f3a1-0d34-4675-b660-a75b3e3d6997_МКД_-_Младите_во_руралните_средини_2024.pdf