As a part of the USAID project for Adaptation to Climate Change in Agriculture, Rural Development Network of Republic of Macedonia scheduled realization of activities for promotion of the LEADER approach in municipalities in the south – east planning region in which the impact of climate changes has a negative effect on the overall living of rural households. With affirmation of the EU LEADER approach in the rural areas, RDN aims towards developing of the capacities of all stakeholders in rural areas which will improve their knowledge and capability for participative planning in making important decisions for the community. RDN will support creation of an entity, Local Action Group in a shape of public private partnership that will include partners from the public, private and NGO sector, representing the interests of various stakeholders from 4 municipalities in this region (Strumica,Vasilevo, Bosilovo and Novo Selo). The goal of the group will be to represent the interests of the various stakeholders which exist and work in the rural areas of the municipalities. The aim of the group will be to develop strategic document for rural development which will support and unite local initiatives and actions.
For the realization of such activities that will significantly contribute to improvement of sustainable practices in rural areas of Macedonia, on 13-th of December 2013, the RDN signed a memorandum for cooperation with the Center for development of the south – east planning region. On the same day a workshop was held and all ten municipalities of the region were invited in order to get acquainted with the LEADER approach as a method for promoting and implementing local development in rural areas, its significance as future IPARD measure as well as to present the planned activities.