Due to the emergence of Lumpy Skin disease in dairy cattle, the Rural Development Network of the Republic of Macedonia, within the USAID Adaptation to Climate Change in Agriculture project, started organizing workshops for educating all stakeholders about this disease which direct result of the changing climate. Considering the fact that the largest number of infected animals is registered in the East and Southeast Macedonia, on June 3rd, RDN held the first workshop of this kind in Strumica, gathering more than 60 livestock farmers and NEA advisors (National Extension Agency) from the region of Strumica, Novo Selo, Vasilevo, Bosilovo, Konche, Radovis and Berovo. Prof. Metodija Trajcev, PhD, from the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences and Food, explained the characteristics of Lumpy Skin disease, the symptoms for diagnosing the animals and the measures that should be taken to protect the animals in farms. Numerous questions were referred to the inspector Risto Ichkov from the Food and Veterinary Agency, who speaking from the aspect of government institutions, shared different preventive measures that are taken and informed the livestock farmers where to ask for vaccination of animals.