On December the 13-th 2013 in Rosoman, the Rural development network organized a workshop in order to share experiences and results from adaptive agricultural practices, implemented and tested in the period from the beginning of the implementation of USAID project for Adaptation to climate change in agriculture, April 2012 to present day.
All present farmers from Rosoman surroundings had the opportunity to learn about different techniques and adaptation measures to climate changes which were demonstrated and tested in fruit production and viticulture. Besides the results and achievements from the implemented adaptive measures, experts presented a one year monitoring of the erosive processes as well as the benefits from implementation of adaptive measures for water saving in agricultural production.
At the end of the workshop there was an open discussion where farmers could share the problems occurring during agricultural production and obtain useful advices from the experts on how to deal with the effects from climate changes and what adaptive measures to introduce in order to protect the yield in fruit production and viticulture.