USAID Adaptation to Climate Change in Agriculture project activities are designed on the basis of positive experiences of international practices in adapting agricultural production to the climate change, adjusted to our specific terrain and climatological circumstances. Yet, the fact remains that hands-on experience, and consequently from it acquired expertise, is still not sufficient. The same can be concluded about the public institutions governing issues pertaining to the climate change realm, the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Economy being one of them.
In order to build in-country capacity related to climate change practices, the project invested in an international study trip for project management, technical advisors for adaptive practices and relevant representative from MAFWE. The study visit was organized in Italy during the period from July 14th until July 20th. Meetings with Ministry of Agriculture policy makers on initiatives and policies in the domain of climate change in agriculture, climate change specialists, and regional authorities in charge of implementation of regional policies on climate change in agriculture, as well as visits to a farm adopting measures to combat climate change were organized within the study trip.
The participants had the opportunity to observe European experience in provision of adequate adaptive climate change responses in agriculture in addition to policy making and development of strategic documents on climate change, concrete actions/measures for climate change adaptations undertaken by the relevant Ministry etc.