Financial support for this Call for small grants is provided by the EU project “Networking and Advocacy for Green Economy” implemented by Rural Development Network of NM in cooperation with the Rural Development Networks of Serbia, Kosovo, Montenegro, Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina. and Croatia.
Each project proposal should be submitted on Annex A – Grant Application Form, including Annex B – Budget, as well as all other required attachments. The application package and additional information on the Call for small grants are attached on the Rural Development Network website, under “Networking and Advocacy for Green Economy” project. Project applications should be sent on-line to deadline for submitting applications is 01.05.2020, by 23:59 pm.
Guidelines for Grant Applicants
Annex A Grant application form
Annex D Financial identification form
Annex I-Model interim and final narrative report
Annex II Template of Financial Reports
Annex III – Standard template for transfer of ownership of assets