Rural Development Network of North Macedonia, supported by We Effect, has an open call for submission of applications for selection of intervention partner(s) to strengthen value chains in the agriculture sector by improving production technology(ies).

The main objective of this call is to select interested and suitable parties to be engaged as intervention partner(s) responsible for implementation of a scaled-up intervention based on a tested business model presented below. The intervention’s objective is to improve and/or stabilize market access of small-scale agricultural households involved in agriculture production by re-building and/or strengthening the existing market systems and on that way contribute to increasing of their incomes. More precisely, the intervention aims to improve small-scale agricultural households access through introduction and implementation of modern agricultural practices, as well as the modernization of production. Implementation of the intervention will allow easier access to the market and increase productivity and quality of primary agricultural products.

Applicants should submit all necessary documents to the following e-mail addresses:, and Application deadline: 02.09.2022.

Call for intervention partners

Annex A – Application for intervention partners

Annex B – Statement of no conflict of interest