Open call for a project coordinator for the needs of the project "Support for the development of a National Strategy for Food Security" funded by FAO
The Rural Development Network of North Macedonia (RDN of NM) needs a project coordinator for the needs of the project "Support for the Development of a National Strategy for Food Security" financed by FAO.
Read more...Open call for engagement of consultant for conducting workshops for Business Model Canvas
Rural Development Network of North Macedonia, financially supported by We Effect, opens a call for engagement of consultant for conducting workshops for Business Model Canvas under the project “Organizational development of RDN and development of sustainable models for food security for local communities”.
Read more...Оглас за консултант за проценка на основите за воспоставување национален координативен механизам за oбезбедeност на храната за потребите на проектот „Поддршка за развој на Национална стратегија за обезбеденост со храна“
Call for selection of intervention partner(s) to strengthen value chains in the agriculture sector by improving production technology(ies)
Rural Development Network of North Macedonia, supported by We Effect, has an open call for submission of applications for selection of intervention partner(s) to strengthen value chains in the agriculture sector by improving production technology(ies).
Read more...Call for selection of intervention partner(s) to strengthen value chains in the agricultural sector by introducing a new processed product(s)/service(s)
Rural Development Network of North Macedonia, supported by We Effect, has an open call for for submission of applications for selection of intervention partner(s) to strengthen value chains in the agricultural sector by introducing a new processed product(s)/service(s).
Read more...Оглас за финансиски асистент на проект
За успешно реализирање на проектните активности, Мрежата за рурален развој на Северна Македонија има потреба од Финансиски асистент на проект.
Read more...Јавен повик за комерцијализација на Центар за преработка на храна (FOOD HUB) – Пехчево
Мрежата за рурален развој на Северна Македонија, финансиски поддржана од We Effect, во соработка со ИМЕ програмата, отвора јавен повик за комерцијализација на Центар за преработка на храна (Food hub) – Пехчево преку партнерство со бизнис секторот.
Read more...RDN of the RM National Administrative Assistant
The Rural Development Network of the Republic of Macedonia (RDN of the RM) implements an EU funded project “ALTER- Active Local Territories for Economic Development of Rural Areas “.
Read more...RDN of the RM National Project Coordinator
The Rural Development Network of the Republic of Macedonia (RDN of the RM) implements an EU funded project “ALTER- Active Local Territories for Economic Development of Rural Areas “.
Read more...New job vacancy - Project assistant
Advertisement coordinator
The Rural Development Network of the Republic of Macedonia (RDN of the RM) implements an EU funded project “ALTER- Active Local Territories for Economic Development of Rural Areas “.
Read more...Advertisement assistant
The Rural Development Network of the Republic of Macedonia (RDN of the RM) implements an EU funded project “ALTER- Active Local Territories for Economic Development of Rural Areas “.
Read more...Advertisement coordinator
The Rural Development Network of the Republic of Macedonia (RDN of the RM) implements an EU funded project “National Rural Parliament as a voice of rural citizens “.
Read more...Краткорочен ангажман на консултант
Мрежата за рурален развој на НМ во соработка со мрежите за рурален развој на Србија, Косово, Црна Гора, Албанија, Босна и Херцеговина и Хрватска спроведува регионален проект „Вмрежување и застапување за зелена економија “ финансиран од ЕУ.
Read more...Rural Development Network of the Republic of Macedonia, participated at the Swedish Rural Parliament
Rural Development Network of R. of Macedonia was presented to the participants and visitors of “Eko-Fest”
The RDN of RM representatives attended the traditional Kezes-Lábos Festival that traditionally takes place in Etyek, Hungary on 25 and 26 September
Representatives of the Rural Development Network of the Republic of Macedonia, on 2nd February 2011, participated on 1st Open Seminar “Focus on Food consumers in the Balkans” in Belgrade, Serbia
“Organizations, institutions and projects in rural development”, is publication that was promoted on 23th December 2010, by the Rural Development Network of the Republic of Macedonia and Macedonian Center for International Cooperation
On 27th January 2011, in hotel Holiday In, in Skopje, Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), officially promoted grants for year 2011
On Thursday, May 3 at 11 o’clock in Skopje, USAID launched Project for Adaptation to Climate Change in Agriculture, which will promote adaptive agricultural practices and raise awareness of the forthcoming challenges of climate change and the need for joint, community level responses
The Rural Development Network of Republic of Macedonia and the Red Cross of Republic of Macedonia have signed a Memorandum of cooperation
Celebrated International Day of Persons with Disabilities on December 3rd
Regional Conference “Climate Change Adaptation in South East Europe” – 10-11th October, Zagreb, Croatia
The rulebooks developed by the working group for LEADER are published in the Official Gazette
Czech National Conference “Rural space 2012”
“Balkan rug” Festival
Celebrated the International Rural Women’s Day
Project assistant
Swedish Rural Parliament
The twelfth Swedish Rural Parliament was held in the period from September 6th until September 9th 2012, in Ronneby, small town in the Swedish region Blekinge.