More than 30 representatives from the Macedonian Local Action Groups (LAGs) Aber 2015, Belasica-Ograzden, Bojmija, Malesh-Pijanec and Plachkovica as well as guests from LAGs from Albania, Serbia, Kosovo and Croatia were part of a study visit to the municipalities Konche, Demir Kapija and Dojran within LAG Expo 2022.



They had the opportunity to learn more about the project of LAG Plachkovica, which installed photovoltaics on the municipal building in Konche, as well as about the joint local action for landscaping in the center of the village of Lubnica as part of the Community Development Program. The visit continued to Lake Mantovo and the so-called Vlach huts, which are part of the cultural heritage of the Konche municipality, then to Demir Kapija and the "Popova Kula" winery.



The next destination of the participants was the town of Dojran, where on the quay by the lake, the participants heard the stories of Branko Popov's local products which include olives, sweet figs and a number of fruit juices and tasted coffee made in a specific way in the sand. The study visit ended in the Natural History Museum in Dojran with the impressive artifacts and objects of scientific, cultural and historical importance for this city, where the method of catching fish with the help of cormorant birds was presented.



The study visit was supported by USAID's Community Development Program, implemented by the Rural Development Network of NM, as well as by the Balkan Rural Development Network supported by We Effect.



This activity is part of the Community Development Program, supported by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID).

This article is made possible by the generous support of the American people through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). The contents are the responsibility of the Rural Development Network of North Macedonia and do not necessarily reflect the views of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) or the United States Government.