Thanks to the collaboration of the community and civil activism, the joint community action to clean the riverbed of the Pisa River in the Municipality of Pehcevo was successfully completed. The community action encompassed the cleaning of the riverbed of the river Pisa the length of 420 meters, the removal of soil, low-stemmed vegetation, and waste, as well as the restoration of the quay and the installation of urban equipment and horticultural landscaping.

On that occasion, representatives from the USAID Office in North Macedonia together with representatives from the Rural Development Network of NM and LAG Malesh-Pijanec visited Pehcevo and attended the event celebrating the city’s patron holiday – St. Paul’s Day. This event was an opportunity to publicly present the community action to the general public.

You can see more details in the video below.



This activity is part of the Community Development Program, supported by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID).

This article is made possible by the generous support of the American people through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). The contents are the responsibility of the Rural Development Network of North Macedonia and do not necessarily reflect the views of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) or the United States Government.