USAID Community Development Program
Organized two-day training on public-private partnerships
On September 5th and 6th, within USAID's Community Development Program, a two-day training was organized to define public-private partnership, recognize its forms and characteristics, as well as share good practices and lessons learned.
Realized training for philanthropy and volunteering
Philanthropy and volunteerism are a key link in community development. As part of USAID's Community Development Program, we organized a training on philanthropy and volunteerism attended by representatives from Local Action Groups (LAGs).
Organized training on gender responsive budgeting
Why is gender responsive budgeting important? We gave an answer to this question during the new training intended for representatives from Local Action Groups (LAGs) in order to build their capacities.
Organized trainings for self-reliance by relying on one's own resources and for strengthening capacities for mobilization in the community
On September 27 and 28, 2022, two trainings were held in Skopje, namely a training for self-reliance by relying on one’s own resources and a training for strengthening the capacities for mobilization in the community.
read more...Organized training for mobilization of funding
After the analysis of the needs of the Local Action Groups for training and mentoring to build their capacities, one of the chosen priorities was training for mobilization of funding.
Национален рурален парламент, во организација на тимот на Програмата на УСАИД за развој на заедницата

Opened first inclusive park in Gevgelija "Ice Begov" with the support of USAID and local stakeholders
Today, with the sounds of the song, the new inclusive park "Ice Begov" was officially opened in the courtyard of the Pioneer Home in Gevgelija.
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Promotion of a fitness center in the open and a pet park with the USAID North Macedonia Country Representative
Together we find local solutions for local challenges, and we talked about that with the USAID North Macedonia Country Representative, Jeri Dible, with whom we visited the municipalities of Novo Selo and Shtip.
A new retiree club for active and healthy aging was opened in Monospitovo village
Today we attended the opening of the new retiree club for active and healthy aging in Monospitovo village in the Municipality of Bosilovo.
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The new working hub of the community "Nexus" has started working
The new creative community center (work hub) "NEXUS - Creativity Work Hub" started working in Radovish municipality with a promotional event for local stakeholders.
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Promotional event for the opening of the new multipurpose track in the municipality of Kumanovo
The new multipurpose trail in the municipality of Kumanovo invites tourists and local residents to an adventure.
Marked Rural Women's Day
To mark the International Day of Rural Women, which is celebrated every year on October 15, an event was held today at the Sopot winery in Veles, to highlight the key role of women in rural development.
RDN with its own stands at the second food and beverage fair - Taste the tradition
The members of the Local Action Groups (LAGs) Aber 2015, Belasica-Ograzden, Bojmija, Males-Pijanec and Plackovica presented their local, traditional products from forest fruits, meat, dried vegetables and fruits, honey, nuts, as well as handmade products, natural cosmetics and other products from rural areas.
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Opening of a new preschool educational center "Ograzden Butterflies" in Radovo village in the Municipality of Bosilovo
The US Ambassador to North Macedonia, H.E. Angela Aggeler visited the children in the educational center and talked with the mayor of the Municipality of Bosilovo, Mr. Risto Manchev, and the residents about the challenges they face and how they can be overcome.
LAG Expo 2023 was held in Gevgelija: Fair for promoting local development
This Saturday, on September 16, the second fair in a row to promote local development – LAG Expo 2023, which is the only one of its kind in the country, was held in Gevgelija.
Participation in the first food and drink fair - Taste the tradition
On November 12, under the motto "Taste life, taste tradition" in front of the pond in Skopje's City Park, the First National Food and Beverage Fair was held.
LAG Expo 2022 – first fair for local development in the country
LAG Expo 2022 – a fair for local development was held on September 23, in the Cultural Center “Aco Karamanov” in Radovish. This fair is the first of its kind in the country where, through presentations and panel discussions, representatives of Local Action Groups (LAGs) from North Macedonia, Albania, Serbia, Kosovo, and Croatia presented their activities and discussed topics related to local development that affect all rural communities.
read more...Study visit within LAG Expo 2022
More than 30 representatives from the Macedonian Local Action Groups (LAGs) Aber 2015, Belasica-Ograzden, Bojmija, Malesh-Pijanec and Plachkovica as well as guests from LAGs from Albania, Serbia, Kosovo and Croatia were part of a study visit to the municipalities Konche, Demir Kapija and Dojran within LAG Expo 2022.
read more...Event for celebrating the community action for promoting the development of Uma Village
On June 3, 2022, in Uma village, Municipality of Gevgelija, an event for celebrating the completion of the first community action in Uma village was organized by USAID’s Community Development Program, implemented by the Rural Development Network of North Macedonia, in partnership with Local Action Group (LAG) Bojmija.
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LAG Expo 2022 – first fair for local development in the country
This activity is part of the Community Development Program, supported by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID).
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Study visit within LAG Expo 2022
This activity is part of the Community Development Program, supported by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID).
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Completed community action for cleaning the riverbed of Pisa River
This activity is part of the Community Development Program, supported by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID).
Event celebrating the completion of the first community action in Uma Village

Visit to village Uma
Оваа активност е дел од Програмата на УСАИД за развој на заедницата, поддржана од Агенцијата за меѓународен развој на Соединетите Американски Држави (УСАИД).Оваа галерија е подготвена со поддршка на американскиот народ преку Агенцијата на САД за...
Meetings with local actors with LAG Aber-2015
This activity is part of the Community Development Program, supported by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID).
This gallery is made possible by the generous support of the American people through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). The contents are the responsibility of the Rural Development Network of North Macedonia and do not necessarily reflect the views of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) or the United States Government.
Visit to Progressive Academy foundation
This activity is part of the Community Development Program, supported by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID).
This gallery is made possible by the generous support of the American people through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). The contents are the responsibility of the Rural Development Network of North Macedonia and do not necessarily reflect the views of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) or the United States Government.
Meetings with local actors with LAG Plackovica
This activity is part of the Community Development Program, supported by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID).
This gallery is made possible by the generous support of the American people through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). The contents are the responsibility of the Rural Development Network of North Macedonia and do not necessarily reflect the views of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) or the United States Government.
Meetings with local actors with LAG Bojmija
This activity is part of the Community Development Program, supported by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID).
This gallery is made possible by the generous support of the American people through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). The contents are the responsibility of the Rural Development Network of North Macedonia and do not necessarily reflect the views of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) or the United States Government.
Meetings with local actors with LAG Belasica Ograzden
This activity is part of the Community Development Program, supported by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID).
This gallery is made possible by the generous support of the American people through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). The contents are the responsibility of the Rural Development Network of North Macedonia and do not necessarily reflect the views of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) or the United States Government.
Meetings with local actors with LAG Malesh-Pijanec
This activity is part of the Community Development Program, supported by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID).
This gallery is made possible by the generous support of the American people through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). The contents are the responsibility of the Rural Development Network of North Macedonia and do not necessarily reflect the views of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) or the United States Government.
Participation in Agricultural Policy Forum 2021
This activity is part of the Community Development Program, supported by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID).
This gallery is made possible by the generous support of the American people through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). The contents are the responsibility of the Rural Development Network of North Macedonia and do not necessarily reflect the views of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) or the United States Government.
(VIDEO) Local Initiatives of LAG Plachkovica

Signed Memorandum of Understanding for the construction of part of a sewage in the Barta industrial zone in Bogdanci
The Barta industrial zone in Bogdanci, which is located on the territory of LAG Bojmija, will receive a modern sewage system, which will improve the management of waste water in the industrial zone and provide better living conditions for the local population.
(VIDEO) The story of LAG Bojmija
We present to you the story of LAG Bojmija, one of the partners with whom we implement USAID's Community Development Program, which advocates for rural development led by local residents.
(VIDEO) New cross-sector advisory group with LAG Belasica-Ograzden
The visits of the cross-sector advisory groups are continuing. Today, January 25th, the USAID Community Development Program team was in Strumica.
(VIDEO) The cross-sector advisory group within LAG Malesh-Pijanec started its work
Today, January 24, 2023, USAIDќс Community Development Program team attended a cross-sector advisory group meeting within LAG Malesh-Pijanec.
Inspirational story of Mirjana Dojranlieva
On this year's International Day of Rural Women, we share the inspiring story of Mirjana Dojranlieva from the village of Uma in the municipality of Gevgelija.
Visit to Bosilovo and Vasilevo with USAID's North Macedonia Director of General Development Office
On October 14, we were in the municipalities of Bosilovo and Vasilevo, where together with Dawn Carmin, USAID's North Macedonia Director of General Development Office, we visited the enclosed landfill in Bosilovo, as well as the new park in Chanaklija Village.
Organized trainings for self-reliance by relying on one's own resources and for strengthening capacities for mobilization in the community
On September 27 and 28, 2022, two trainings were held in Skopje, namely a training for self-reliance by relying on one’s own resources and a training for strengthening the capacities for mobilization in the community.
read more...(VIDEO) LAG Expo 2022 - first local development fair in the country
During the LAG Expo, visitors attended presentations and panel discussions with representatives of Local Action Groups (LAGs) from the country as well as from the region - Albania, Serbia, Kosovo and Croatia, as well as a fair with stands from local businesses and civil society organizations from the territory covered by LAGs Aber 2015, Belasica-Ograzden, Bojmija, Malesh-Pijanec and Plachkovica.
LAG Expo 2022 – first fair for local development in the country
LAG Expo 2022 – a fair for local development was held on September 23, in the Cultural Center “Aco Karamanov” in Radovish. This fair is the first of its kind in the country where, through presentations and panel discussions, representatives of Local Action Groups (LAGs) from North Macedonia, Albania, Serbia, Kosovo, and Croatia presented their activities and discussed topics related to local development that affect all rural communities.
read more...Study visit within LAG Expo 2022
More than 30 representatives from the Macedonian Local Action Groups (LAGs) Aber 2015, Belasica-Ograzden, Bojmija, Malesh-Pijanec and Plachkovica as well as guests from LAGs from Albania, Serbia, Kosovo and Croatia were part of a study visit to the municipalities Konche, Demir Kapija and Dojran within LAG Expo 2022.
(VIDEO) Realized community action in Pehcevo
Thanks to the collaboration of the community and civil activism, the joint community action to clean the riverbed of the Pisa River in the Municipality of Pehcevo was successfully completed.
Together for a more beautiful Pehcevo – Community action for cleaning the riverbed of the river Pisa
The joint action to clean the riverbed of the river Pisa in the municipality of Pehcevo as part of USAID’s Community Development Program, implemented by the Rural Development Network of North Macedonia, in partnership with the Local Action Group (LAG) Malesh-Pijanec, was completed.
Participation in a Collaboration, Learning and Adapting event organized by USAID’s Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning Project
On July 7, 2022, representatives of USAID’s Community Development Program are part of a Collaboration, Learning and Adapting event organized by USAID’s Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning Project, implemented by the company Indago.
read more...(VIDEO) Realized community action in Uma village
In Uma village, Municipality of Gevgelija, USAID’s Community Development Program celebrated the completion of the first community action in the village within the Program.
read more...Community action for promoting the development of Uma Village
On June 3, 2022, in Uma village, Municipality of Gevgelija, an event for celebrating the completion of the first community action in Uma village was organized by USAID’s Community Development Program, implemented by the Rural Development Network of North Macedonia, in partnership with Local Action Group (LAG) Bojmija.
Construction work is underway in Uma
Construction works are underway to place a cobbled path in Uma village that leads from the entrance of the village to the center of the village. This community action envisages the construction of part of the main street by laying cobblestones in keeping with the local tradition in the length of 185 meters as well as the installation of new garbage containers where the population can separate plastic waste for recycling pickup and cleaning the public space at the entrance to Uma which used to be an illegal landfill.
From a civic initiative to a more beautiful and cleaner public space in village Uma
Thanks to the involvement of local actors, the village of Uma in the municipality of Gevgelija will get a more beautiful and cleaner public space as part of advancing local development in the region.
Exchange of ideas for new initiatives for advancing rural development in Radovis and Konce
Some of the stakeholders from the private sector in the Radovis region and the village of Lubnica in the municipality of Konce discussed with the team that implements USAID’s Community Development Program.
Local actors from Kumanovo and Staro Nagoricane “got acquainted” with USAID’s Community Development Program
Towards the end of January, the representatives of the Rural Development Network of North Macedonia, as an implementer of USAID’s Community Development Program, accompanied by the representative of LAG Aber-2015 visited several local actors from the business sector
Working meeting with the Progressive Academy Foundation on the topic of USAID’s Community Development Program
Representatives of the Rural Development Network of North Macedonia – implementer of USAID’s Community Development Program held a working meeting with representatives of the Progressive Academy Foundation
USAID’s Community Development Program “arrived” in Karbinci, Konce, Radovish, and Stip
USAID’s Community Development Program, alongside the idea behind it, the concept, the expected objectives, and the opportunities for cooperation for advancing rural development, was presented
The visits of RDN representatives continue on the territory of LAG Bojmija
Meetings with local stakeholders who are part of the development of local communities continue! Representatives of the Rural Development Network of North Macedonia as an implementation team of USAID’s Community Development Program and LAG Bojmija spoke with owners and representatives of several successful companies from Gevgelija.
USAID’s Community Development Program presented to representatives of municipalities on LAG Belasica Ograzden’s territory
One of the objectives of USAID’s Community Development Program is to demonstrate that equitable and sustainable rural development is possible through the cooperation of all local stakeholders who will participate in identifying and prioritizing the real problems of the community and together will design and implement sustainable solutions in response to these problems.
Visiting the municipalities of Berovo, Pehchevo, and Delchevo with LAG Malesh-Pijanec
To acquaint the local stakeholders in the municipalities of Berovo, Pehchevo, and Delchevo with USAID’s Community Development Program, Rural Development Network of North Macedonia’s team that implements the Program visited these municipalities and had numerous meetings.
USAID’s Community Development Program was part of the Agricultural Policy Forum 2021
Representatives of the Rural Development Network of North Macedonia, which implements USAID’s Community Development Program, attended the Agricultural Policy Forum 2021 held in Serbia on October 20 and 21 on the topic of a green agenda for the Western Balkans.
Profiles of municipalities covered by USAID’s Community Development Program
Overview of profiles of municipalities covered by USAID’s Community Development Program
read more...Equal opportunities for all children
Children of preschool age who live in the territory of the Pehchevo municipality received a new, tidy space in the yard of the OJUDG "7 September" Pehchevo kindergarten, which provides opportunities for holistic development by combining children's physical and mental activity.
read more...Equipping the Inclusive Public Park "Ice Begov"
Objective of the initiative: Creation of a new recreational space, i.e. a modern, urban, horticulturally landscaped inclusive public park in Gevgelija, designed for people of all abilities, which will encourage accessibility, safety and a sense of belonging
read more...Outdoor classrooms in Lipkovo and Kumanovo
Objective of the initiative: improving the quality of existing social services and promoting the social inclusion of children with special needs by setting up two summer classrooms for children with disabilities in the day centers for children with disabilities for the municipalities of Lipkovo and Kumanovo
read more...Selection of waste plastic and energy efficiency in kindergartens in Kumanovo and Staro Nagorichane
Objective of the initiative: Raising awareness and improving the education of children in kindergartens about the importance of protecting the environment by selecting waste plastic and replacing energy-saving light bulbs, which on the other hand will provide better living conditions for the local population.
read more...Fitness center in the open in Novo Selo
Objective of the initiative: creation of a new sports-recreational center, enrichment of the sports-recreational tourist offer in the municipality of Novo Selo
read more...Pet park in the municipality of Shtip
Objective of the initiative: Construction of a landscaped public area with necessary urban equipment, thus creating a space for safe recreation of pets and promoting healthy habits
read more...Retiree club in Monospitovo
Objective of the initiative: creation of a new space for active and healthy aging in the center of Monospitovo, which will serve to improve the socialization and active life of the elderly
read more...Establishment of a work hub (center) of the community
Objective of the initiative: establishing a work hub (center) in the community to improve access to education and employment opportunities, encourage creativity, community engagement and entrepreneurship, supporting the holistic development of individuals and the community as a whole
read more...Energy efficient lighting of the city park in Delchevo
Objective of the initiative: improving the area of lighting in the central city area of the municipality of Delchevo, achieving financial efficiency for street lighting and saving for maintenance
read more...Setting up a children's playground in Chiflik village, Municipality of Pehchevo
Objective of the initiative: establishing a children's playground in Chiflik village, Pehchevo municipality, with equipment for children's entertainment and placing a bus stop next to the playground
read more...Energy efficiency of street lighting in Kalugjerica village, municipality of Radovish
Objective of the initiative: improvement of the infrastructure in Kalugjerica village in the municipality of Radovish according to the needs of the residents, which will enable energy efficiency of the street lighting thanks to the photovoltaics on the Culture Center in the village
read more...A fun corner with a children's playground and a place to rest in Vladimirovo village, municipality of Berovo
Objective of the initiative: setting up a children's playground as an amusement park in the very center of Vladimirovo village, that is, a school yard decorated with entertainment for children, but also a place for rest and socializing for the entire population
read more...Children's corner in the Municipality of Kumanovo
Objective of the initiative: setting up a public area and building a park with urban equipment, i.e. a children's playground, which on the other hand will provide better living conditions for the local population
read more...Multipurpose trail in the municipality of Kumanovo
Objective of the initiative: marking, arrangement and promotion of the first multi-purpose sports trail for horse riding, walking, cycling and driving quadricycles in the northeastern region for recreation and affirmation, development and enrichment of the sports tradition in the country.
read more...Preschool educational center "Ograzden butterflies" in Radovo village, municipality of Bosilovo
Objective of the initiative: providing conditions for care and educational influence of preschool children in this rural environment, improving the quality and increasing the amount of knowledge among them, reducing population migration and including women in the workforce.
read more...Support of activities for students with disabilities from Primary School with resource center "Idnina" - Skopje
Objective of the initiative: support of activities for students with disabilities through the cooperation of several USAID projects in North Macedonia from the "Local Works" program.
read more...Initiative "Construction of a fecal sewer branch in an industrial zone Barta" in Municipality of Bogdanci
Objective of the inititative: Improved waste water management in the Barta industrial zone through the cooperation of the local community, ensuring conditions for environmental sustainability and reducing risks to the health of the population are met, as well as improving the attractiveness of the industrial zone for further investments and increased (local) economic development.
read more...Initiative "Eco-square" in the municipality of Staro Nagoricane
Objective of the initiative: Complete revitalization, i.e. arrangement and refinement of the square of the Municipality of Staro Nagoricane, through the installation of new urban equipment, a system for saving electricity needed for lighting the square, and bus stops with informational maps for the needs of the population and other visitors, made from environmentally-friendly and reused materials.
read more...Initiative "Lanscaping of the central area in settlement (Sred Selo), v. Lubnica" in Municipality of Konce
Objective of the initiative: Improvement of the infrastructure in the rural settlement according to the needs of the residents
read more...Initiative "Construction of a park in Chanaklija village" in Municipality of Vasilevo
Objective of the initiative: Improved appearance with a green area and a park in Chanaklija village, municipality of Vasilevo and improvement of the quality of life of the population
read more...Initiative "Fencing municipal landfill" in municipality of Bosilovo
Objective of the initiative: Improved appearance and hygiene in the municipality of Bosilovo and improvement of the quality of life of the population
read more...Initiative “Cleaning the riverbed of Pisa River” in Municipality of Pehcevo
Objective of the initiative: Improving of the environmental situation by initiating cooperation and activism of the inhabitants of the municipality of Pehcevo.
read more...Initiative “Meglenija” in Uma Village, Municipality of Gevgelija
Objective of the initiative: Improving the quality of life of residents and providing conditions for tourism development through the construction of road and communal infrastructure in Uma village, Gevgelija municipality.