USAID Adaptation to Climate Change in Agriculture Project
Workshops for youth social inclusion (Gallery)
Peer education workshops (Gallery)
Mapping the capacities and activities of civil society organizations and students for EU integration processes and youth policies (Gallery)
Pehchevo 17.08.2018 – А 1.3. Peer education workshops (Gallery)
Autumn Climate Change Caravan
On Field Training in Mlado Nagoricane village (Gallery)
Study Visit to Italy (Gallery)
Study Visit to Israel (Gallery)
Climate Change Caravan (gallery)
Practical Training on T-system of Pruning Organized in Vineyard in Negotino (Gallery)
Application of Trichoderma Harzianum on Tomato and Cucumber Seeds (Gallery)
Proper Peach Pruning – Precondition for Obtaining High Quality Yields (Gallery)
Positive Effects of Mulching (Gallery)
TNA workshops in Pehchevo and Prilep
Signing MOU between RDN and M6
Sharing experiences from current activities and initially gained results
Public awareness workshops
Meteorological station
Instalation of UV protection nets in Pcinja_27.06.2012
Мерки за справување со ерозијата во земјоделството
Влијание на климатските промени во земјоделството
Ампелотехнички мерки кај трпезни сорти грозје
Мерки за адаптација на овоштарството кон климатските промени
Мулчирање како агротехничка мерка во градинарското производство
Определување на правилен режим на залевање на земјоделските култури
Покровни култури (затревување) на овошни и лозови насади
Влијание на климатските промени врз градинарството
Presentation of the Results from Implementation of Climate Change Adaptive Measures in Livestock
On November 10th 2016, at the Business Hall of Skopje Fair, more than a hundred livestock breeders and NEA (National Extension Agency) advisors gathered to learn about the climate change influence in livestock and how to preserve the production from its negative effects.
read more...LAG – from local initiative to leading concept for rural community development
On November 4th, in Shtip, the Rural Development Network of the Republic of Macedonia (RDN of the RM) organized the event “LAG – from local initiative to leading concept for rural community development” to promote 4 Local Action Groups (LAGs) initiatives created in accordance with the EU LEADER approach.
read more...ELARD representative visiting Macedonia
On May 26th and 27th, the President of the European LEADER Association for Rural Development – ELARD, Ms. Kristiina Tammets, together with two representatives of the Estonian National Rural Development Network and the Estonian Ministry of Rural Affairs, visited Macedonia.
read more...The First National Conference on Climate Change and Macedonian Agriculture Held
On March 31st, in Strumica the first National Conference on Macedonian Agriculture and Climate Change, was organized with mutual cooperation of the project “Institutional Support to FFRM” We Effect – FFRM, USAID Adaptation to Climate Change in Agriculture project and the Swedish Embassy in Macedonia.
read more...EU LEADER Approach Promoted in the East Planning Region of the Republic of Macedonia
More than 30 representatives of local self-government, civil and business sector from the east planning region of the Republic of Macedonia attended the EU LEADER promotional event, which was held on February 22nd in Shtip.
read more...Promotion of EU LEADER Approach in Southeast Planning Region of the Republic of Macedonia
On February 18th, at the hotel Romantik in Dojran, the Rural Development Network of the Republic of Macedonia (RDN of RM) together with the Center for Development of the Southeast Planning Region (CDSEPR) held an informative workshop to present the activities related to EU LEADER approach and to emphasize the significance of LEADER as a future IPARD measure in the Republic of Macedonia.
On December 21, USAID’s Adaptation to Climate Change in Agriculture project presented a comprehensive report on the findings from three years of testing various effective yet affordable steps farmers can take to reduce their vulnerability to the negative effects of climate change.
read more...Presentation on the baseline measurements in livestock
After the presentation of the baseline measurements in livestock which was held in Bitola and was attended by many dairy breeders and NEA advisors from the western part of Macedonia, the Rural Development Network of RM organized another presentation of this type in Strumica.
read more...Presentation on the baseline measurements in livestock
On December 3rd in Bitola, the Rural Development Network of the Republic of Macedonia presented the baseline data of heat stress effect on daily milk yield in cows, taken through the USAID Adaptation to Climate Change in Agriculture project.
read more...Climate Change, Depends on Us!
Today, in Bogovinje, through a lot of fun and games, the children from six municipal schools, learned about negative influence of climate change and how to mitigate adverse effects in local communities.
read more...Celebrating the Day of the Local Action Group Belasica–Ograzden
During the last year the Rural Development Network of the Republic of Macedonia has implemented piloting LEADER approach activities in the Southeast Planning Region.
read more...Promoting the Attractiveness of Rural Areas
The Rural Development Network of the Republic of Macedonia (RDN of the RM) through USAID Adaptation to Climate Change in Agriculture Project supported project initiatives implemented by RDN members that aimed to promote rural areas and contribute to the development of the rural tourism in the country.
read more...The First Day of Spring Celebrated
Pupils from the primary school “Vancho Kitanov” in Pehchevo, celebrated the first day of spring with singing and dancing.
read more...Initial Meeting on LEADER Approach
On Wednesday, February 11th 2015, at the Municipality of Berovo, the Rural Development Network of the Republic of Macedonia organized an initial meeting for promotion of LEADER approach in the East Planning Region of Macedonia.
On November 5th, USAID’s Adaptation to Climate Change in Agriculture (ACCA) Project presented two recently published climate change studies – one focused on its effect on Macedonia’s Agricultural Sector and the other focuses on its negative impact on livestock.
read more...Climate Change Quiz
On May 9th at the agricultural high school “Goce Delchev” in Valandovo, a Climate Change Quiz was organized by the USAID Adaptation to Climate Change in Agriculture Project.
read more...Climate Change Caravan helps rural communities adapt
On September 26th in Sveti Nikole, the Climate Change Caravan, organized by the USAID Adaptation to Climate Change in Agriculture (ACCA) project, concluded its autumn campaign with the last of four stops around the country.
read more...Study on livestock adaptation to climate change in Macedonia
Preparation of a “Study on livestock adaptation to climate change in Macedonia“ was initiated by USAID Adaptation to Climate Change in Agriculture project.
read more...Launching of Climate Change Caravan in Novo Selo within Strumica Region
On May 9th, the Climate Change Caravan, organized by the USAID Adaptation to Climate Change in Agriculture (ACCA) project, started on its journey across Macedonia.
read more...Climate Change Caravan “FLOOD, DRAUGHT, COLD, IT’S TIME TO SAVE MY YIELD”
Rural Development Network of the Republic of Macedonia as implementer of USAID Adaptation to Climate Change in Agriculture project aims to develop and disseminate agricultural practices for adaptation to climate change and to raise the awareness of agricultural producers and general public about the effects of climate change in agriculture.
read more...New USAID Adaptation to Climate Change in Agriculture Project
Today in Skopje, USAID launched its new Adaptation to Climate Change in Agriculture project which will promote adaptive agricultural practices and raise awareness of the forthcoming challenges of climate change and the need for joint, community level responses.
read more...Raising Awareness of the Challenges and Effects from Climate Change in Agriculture
Today, 09.11.2012, beginning at 11 o’clock, within the International Trade Fair “Agrofood”, Rural Development Network of the Republic of Macedonia and Foundation of Education and Development-Humanopolis (member of ERA Skopje Fair group) organized a conference on effects of climate change in agriculture.
read more...Disseminating USAID Adaptation to Climate Change in Agriculture project’s initial results and accomplishments
On November 30th, beginning at 11 o’clock, at “Kontinental“ hotel, the Rural Development Network organized a workshop to share experiences from USAID Adaptation to Climate Change in Agriculture Project current activities and initially gained results.
read more...Meteorological Station for Better Adaptation to Climate Change in Agriculture
Today in Skopje, the Rural Development Network (RDN) and M6 signed a Memorandum of Understanding for installation of a meteorological station on location ”Lepovo”, in Negotino, owned by M6.
read more...Round table: "The impact of climate change on beekeeping"
Raising Public Awareness about Lumpy Skin Disease in Dairy Cattle
Due to the emergence of Lumpy Skin disease in dairy cattle, the Rural Development Network of the Republic of Macedonia, within the USAID Adaptation to Climate Change in Agriculture project, started organizing workshops for educating all stakeholders about this disease which direct result of the changing climate.
read more...Introduction to the Characteristics of the EU LEADER Approach
After the initial promotion of EU LEADER approach in Dojran and Shtip, the Rural Development Network of the Republic of Macedonia started organizing workshops for detailed presentation of LEADER methodology and its seven characteristics:
read more...Capacity Building Workshop on LEADER Approach Held
On April 27th in Delchevo, the Rural Development Network of the Republic of Macedonia organized the third workshop for familiarizing the East Planning Region stakeholders with LEADER approach and building their capacities on this future IPARD measure in the Republic of Macedonia.
read more...Presentation of LEADER Principles in the Eastern Planning Region
The Rural Development Network of the Republic of Macedonia continues the implementation of LEADER approach in the Eastern Planning Region, within the USAID Adaptation to Climate Change in Agriculture Project, through capacity building of the stakeholders in four municipalities: Berovo, Pehchevo, Delchevo and Makedonska Kamenica.
read more...RDN Continues the Implementation of LEADER Approach Activities
The Rural Development Network of the Republic of Macedonia realized series of activities linked to the promotion of EU LEADER Approach in 4 municipalities of the South-East Planning region:
read more...The Study on Adaptation of Animal Production to Climate Change in the Republic of Macedonia Presented in Gostivar
On December 23rd in Gostivar, the Rural Development Network of the Republic of Macedonia held a workshop to promote the study on Adaptation of Animal Production to climate Change in the Republic of Macedonia.
read more...USAID Adaptation to Climate Change in Agriculture Project’s Results Presentation
Today, November 7th, at 11:00, within the International Trade Fair “Agrofood”, the Rural Development Network of the Republic of Macedonia in cooperation with Skopje Fair, organized a workshop to present the results obtained from the activities implemented so far through the USAID Adaptation to Climate Change in Agriculture Project.
read more...Trainings for RDN Member Organizations Realized
On July 7th and 8th, in Skopje, the Rural Development Network of the Republic of Macedonia organized two trainings within the capacity building activities implemented through the USAID Adaptation to Climate Change in Agriculture Project.
On February 21st 2014, in Bitola, the Rural Development Network of the Republic of Macedonia, organized a workshop for NEA (National Extension Agency) advisors and farmers, in order to present them the benefits and the results of the agricultural measures for adaptation to climate change, which were tested and demonstrated within the USAID Adaptation to Climate Change in Agriculture project during the past two years.
read more...Rural Development Network of the Republic of Macedonia on Study Tour to USA
USAID Adaptation to Climate Change in Agriculture project’s Deputy Chief of Party, Vesela Lambevska Domazetova, together with a representative of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Economy, Lidija Chadikovska, participated in the International Visitor Leadership Project entitled “Climate Change Resiliency” which was sponsored by the U.S. Department of State (DOS) and administrated by World Learning.
On December the 13-th 2013 in Rosoman, the Rural development network organized a workshop in order to share experiences and results from adaptive agricultural practices, implemented and tested in the period from the beginning of the implementation of USAID project for Adaptation to climate change in agriculture, April 2012 to present day.
As a part of the USAID project for Adaptation to Climate Change in Agriculture, Rural Development Network of Republic of Macedonia scheduled realization of activities for promotion of the LEADER approach in municipalities in the south – east planning region in which the impact of climate changes has a negative effect on the overall living of rural households.
read more...Realized Workshop on Project Cycle Management and Project Proposal Writing for RDN Members
Based on the Training Needs Assessment (TNA) of Rural Development Network’s member organizations performed within USAID Adaptation to Climate Change in Agriculture project, an action plan for Capacity Building of RDN member organizations was developed.
read more...Study Visit to Italy
USAID Adaptation to Climate Change in Agriculture project activities are designed on the basis of positive experiences of international practices in adapting agricultural production to the climate change, adjusted to our specific terrain and climatological circumstances.
read more...Study Visit to Israel
After the initial implementation of climate change adaptation activities in demonstrative orchards, vineyards and vegetable farms within USAID Adaptation to Climate Change in Agriculture project, technical assistance to beneficiary farmers for proper application of the specific adaptive measures was continuously provided by project technical experts.
read more...Raising Awareness of the Challenges and Effects from Climate Change in Agriculture
Climate changes which manifest through long dry periods reduced rains and constantly increasing temperatures on monthly and annual basis, have particularly harmful impact in agriculture.
read more...Training Needs Assessment Workshop for RDN Members
One of the objectives of the USAID Adaptation to Climate Change in Agriculture project, implemented by RDN is strengthening the capacities of Rural Development Network of the Republic of Macedonia and its member organizations.
read more...Raising Awareness of the Challenges and Effects from Climate Change in Agriculture Workshop in Shtip
Today, 04.09.2012 at the hotel “Oaza” in Shtip, at 11:00 AM, the USAID Adaptation to Climate Change in Agriculture Project, implemented by the Rural Development Network of the Republic of Macedonia, organized a workshop for raising public awareness of the challenges and the effects from climate change in the Macedonian agricultural sector.
read more...Raising Awareness of the Challenges and Effects from Climate Change in Agriculture Workshop in Resen
More than 30 representatives of various organizations from Prespa region attended the workshop which aimed to raise public awareness of the effects and challenges from climate change in agriculture, organized by Rural Development Network of Republic of Macedonia within the USAID Adaptation to Climate Change in Agriculture project.
read more...Workshop for Journalists
The two-day workshop for journalists organized on July 2nd and 3rd in Popova Kula winery, Demir Kapija by the Rural Development Network of the Republic of Macedonia, has passed in a pleasant atmosphere.
read more...Поддршка за спроведување на мерки за намалување на штетите од климатските промени
Адаптација на сточарството кон климатските промени
Караван за климатски промени
Мерки за прилагодување кон климатските промени во градинарството
Мерки за прилагодување кон климатските промени во овоштарството
Мерки за прилагодување кон климатските промени во лозарството
Земање почвени проби
Резултати и достигнувања од примена на адаптивни мерки во лозарството
Примена на адаптивни мерки за заштеда (конзервација) на вода во земјоделското производство
Мониторинг на ерозивните процеси во услови на климатски промени
Мерки за адаптација кон климатските промени во градинарството и резултати од нивната примена
Резултати од применетите мерки за адаптација на климатските промени во овошните насади
Klimatski promeni – opst del- Irena Dzimrevska Aneks 1
Klimatskite promeni i dostapnosta na hrana za pcelite Prof. Hrisula Kiprijanovska Aneks 2
Klimatskite promeni i bolestite- Prof. Miso Hristovski Aneks 3
Zaklucoci Okrugla masa – klimatskite promeni i pcelarstvoto Aneks 4